I am a Full Professor at the I.H. Asper School of Business, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada, where I hold the Norman Frohlich Professorship in Business Sustainability.
Click here to read my faculty profile at Asper.
Click here to watch a "One Minute with Bruno Dyck" Asper Research Bytes video where I briefly describe some of my research and teaching interests.
Click here to link to my Google Scholar Citations page.
Click here to download a recent cv.
**NEW IN 2024* Click here to watch documentary "Beyond Profit: Seeking Sustainability" (Executive Producer)
This web-site highlights some of my research and writing, which covers a somewhat diverse range of topic areas. Click on the appropriate tabs (on the top left-hand side) to find out more about the four main themes or “clusters” of research I’ve been involved with:
1) Managing sustainably via Social and Ecological Though (SET) management
This stream examines SET management in organizations, where SET management refers to optimizing social and ecological well-being, while maintaining financial viability (i.e., it relaxes the need to maximize profits) (for more information see setmanage.org). A current long-term project I am working on is to develop and examine case studies of SET business. I have also published studies of SET management in small-scale farms, the world’s neediest and most prevalent organizations (there are 500 million small-scale farms on the planet, and 75% of the world’s chronically-malnourished people are small-scale farmers).
2) Teaching SET Management and Organizational Behavior
This includes four textbooks I’ve co-authored that present conventional and sustainable approaches in each chapter, as well as several research articles that show how using these books improves students’ critical thinking and ethical thinking, and reduces their materialism and individualism. The most recent Management textbook was awarded the 2019 Best Book Award from the International Humanistic Management Association.
3) Management, Spirituality, and Religion
This research stream includes a book and a host of articles, some of which look at leading world religions, some of which build on Weber’s Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, some of which look at conflict in religious organizations, and some of which look at spiritual disciplines and management.
4) Organizational Learning and Change
This research stream goes back to my dissertation, and features qualitative longitudinal studies and process models of organizational change and learning.
Contact info:
Bruno Dyck
Norman Frohlich Professorship in Business Sustainability
I.H. Asper School of Business
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Canada R3T 5V4
email: [email protected]
Click here to read my faculty profile at Asper.
Click here to watch a "One Minute with Bruno Dyck" Asper Research Bytes video where I briefly describe some of my research and teaching interests.
Click here to link to my Google Scholar Citations page.
Click here to download a recent cv.
**NEW IN 2024* Click here to watch documentary "Beyond Profit: Seeking Sustainability" (Executive Producer)
This web-site highlights some of my research and writing, which covers a somewhat diverse range of topic areas. Click on the appropriate tabs (on the top left-hand side) to find out more about the four main themes or “clusters” of research I’ve been involved with:
1) Managing sustainably via Social and Ecological Though (SET) management
This stream examines SET management in organizations, where SET management refers to optimizing social and ecological well-being, while maintaining financial viability (i.e., it relaxes the need to maximize profits) (for more information see setmanage.org). A current long-term project I am working on is to develop and examine case studies of SET business. I have also published studies of SET management in small-scale farms, the world’s neediest and most prevalent organizations (there are 500 million small-scale farms on the planet, and 75% of the world’s chronically-malnourished people are small-scale farmers).
2) Teaching SET Management and Organizational Behavior
This includes four textbooks I’ve co-authored that present conventional and sustainable approaches in each chapter, as well as several research articles that show how using these books improves students’ critical thinking and ethical thinking, and reduces their materialism and individualism. The most recent Management textbook was awarded the 2019 Best Book Award from the International Humanistic Management Association.
3) Management, Spirituality, and Religion
This research stream includes a book and a host of articles, some of which look at leading world religions, some of which build on Weber’s Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, some of which look at conflict in religious organizations, and some of which look at spiritual disciplines and management.
4) Organizational Learning and Change
This research stream goes back to my dissertation, and features qualitative longitudinal studies and process models of organizational change and learning.
Contact info:
Bruno Dyck
Norman Frohlich Professorship in Business Sustainability
I.H. Asper School of Business
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Canada R3T 5V4
email: [email protected]